Usually produce weight loss plateaus of both (and, sometimes, a combination of the two.
metabolic adjustment to your diet and exercise regimen now
Cumulative changes in the menu of your exercise routine and food that make eating more or less of calories burned with exercise, even though they do not realize.
How to obtain the weight loss plateau beyond
1. Tracking body fat, not just weight scale
It's not really about weight loss, but fat loss. The key is to follow strictly the whole weight of the scale and percentage of body fat.
Start the measurement and monitoring of the proportion of body fat and weight, and control the change in the muscle to fat ratios in the body, and not only on a weight scale. A pair of body fat calipers inexpensive (under $ 10) and once you get the hang of them, and easy to use at home. Taking measurements of body fat every two weeks. As long as your body fat percentage is decreasing, you can be sure it did not reach the plateau of weight loss.
2. Account the needs of their calories
If you have a calorie count does not need especially recently, do so.
As you lose weight gain, fat or muscle, changes daily calorie needs, too. It also reduces the weight, so that the requirements can daily calories. This may mean that you eat more food than you need for your new weight.
In addition, if you add large muscle since last account caloric needs, you can actually be under eating, and can cause loss of hard earned muscle.
In any case, you must recalculate calorie needs at least once a month. Using this new number to adjust daily calories depends on your goals. If you are still suffering from the plateau, and keep reading.
3. Get meal with diet
You may think that your diet and the parts are the same as two months ago, when I was losing body fat like crazy. If the sense of quotas gradually increased, the extra calories add up ... This could mean that you lose body fat more slowly.
Despite being really careful with your diet for a couple of weeks.
This usually does not have to be a permanent practice; truly meant to help you have a good idea about your actual food intake to see if you eat more than you think.
After tracking calories for a few weeks, you may discover that you are eating more than you should for fat loss or weight loss goal. If this is the case, adjust the calories down to be compatible with its target. If you are eating is exactly what it should be, but not fat loss, then keep reading.
4. Check your exercise routine and activity levels
Can your exercise activity and also reduces habits. The intensity can be removed, and the pressure is obtained in time and start cutting your workouts short, but it gets cold outside and become a little less active. Over time, these reductions in activity may begin to chip away at the number of calories you burn each day.
To reduce excess calories burn 50-100 long activity to lose fat loss and long-term consequences of weight. Over a period of 30 days, ending the day up 50 calories when working with less intensity or duration leads to increased half a kilo of fat in a month.
Register your exercise routine carefully.
Consider a pedometer to keep better track of actual activity levels throughout the day.
Check to see if it is still in or around their target goals weight loss / weight.
If this is a bit too much for you, do it for 2 weeks to check and recalibrate their exercise routines based on what you find.
5. Change your heart and intensity of exercise
You can change the type of heart disease that is making also helps. You might want to consider changing your routine to include a shorter period of time, high intensity interval training or HIIT. HIIT can help kick start your metabolism and increase fat loss.
If you're already a devotee HIIT, try changing some of their training HIIT lower density and longer heart.
Also, you can change the type of cardio also make a good start fat loss and help you out of the plateau. If successful, try switching to cycling, swimming or skiing even built, these exercises work different muscles, and can help break the plateau. Or try some new machines in the gym, for a change.
6. Add resistance training / weight
One can simply add in 2-3 days of resistance training or weight, in addition to their regular training heart not only help break the plateau fat loss, but also add muscle, which is metabolically more active than body fat. With the passage of time, and this can help you burn more calories and keep your body fat levels under control.
It also has a wide range of health benefits that are installed, including improved bone density, reduces the risk of aging and improve insulin sensitivity.
7. Start metabolism: eat more
If everything in your diet and exercise routine really is still the same, and why fat loss has stopped is that your body does not want to lose more fat.
You need to let your body know it's seize these fat reserves.
The way to do that is by consuming more calories during a short period of time. We're not talking about huge amounts of extra food consumed over days or weeks. Instead, calories gradually increase to a level that is above their maintenance level (100-150 calories) for 1-2 weeks. Body fat measurements and weigh yourself and see if it has lost none of extra body fat.
If you keep the body guessing and not be able to stay on a plateau for a long time.
8. Eat more often
If you eat less, more frequent every 2-3 hours after eating less inclined to excessive calories and theses used more efficiently, compared with a surplus of stored as body fat.
Consider publishing meals throughout the day to see if it helps your system shock departure of the plateau.
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